
Inspiration: Joey Chou

I am a big fan of Chou and his use of shape and colour! I really like his illustrated “Thanksgiving activity book”! The whole book is filled with fun facts about the holiday and all sort of activity you can do with kids. It's also got lots of stickers, puzzles, maze, paper cut out turkey to make a thanksgiving centerpiece for your kids table.

This is the kind of thing I want to create for my Hospital activity book but instead of fun facts about thanksgiving, I was thinking maybe about the human body instead? because the human body is amazing! maybe about transplants too, with games and tips to keep yourself healthy etc. So it'll be quite educational but fun! - this way it can also be used outside of the Hospital, maybe in schools and even at home.

Winter Break Checkpoint

Made a checklist so I can see who I've done and not done! As well as finishing all of CoP, my plan is to try complete all the sketches for everyone during christmas break and make the paper illustrations when I come back in January! 24 more people do to! I CAN DO IT!