
That's Pants!

"You are not entitled to your own opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant" - Harlan Ellison
Points to remember:
  • Devise, propose and deliver a visual intervention/happening or activity that highlights some aspect of modern life that - as a group - we feel warrants attention.
  • A satirical approach to modern day living and use our abilities to visually communicate our opinions in order to PROMOTE, PREVENT or COMMENT on something that is pants!
  • A single photographic image printed in A2 format
  • A 10-30 frame animated gif representing our response
  • Nothing illegal, offensive, or unsafe

WHAT IS PANTS? (group work) - list of some potential subjects that we as a group think are pants:
  1. Chain mails
  2. YouTube comments
  3. No Wifi
  4. Train fares not fair
  5. Excessive plastic packaging
  6. When you eat biscuits and they all disappear because you've eaten it
  7. Blaming gay people for flood (politician David Silvester) 
  8. Club knobheads
  9. Useless social media trends (e.g Nek nominations)
  10. Addictive games
  11. How celebrities who are basically role models, who think they can do whatever they want not thinking about how it would affect fans (e.g Justin Bieber)
We then narrowed it down to gives us the top 3 - I wasn't sure with some of these but as we are working collaboratively, the group's opinion is also important:

A different group then chose one out of these three subjects that they felt was most pants for us to start working with; which was 'club knobheads'. I was a little bit wary at first about having this particular subject to work with as I have little insight into clubs, pubs and bars and the types of people that can be found in these places because I personally don't go to these places. But of course I have my trusty group (Jessie, Emanuel and Kane) and the internet to find more information about this. Hurrah!

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