
The Visual Development Artist

My anxiety level increased about this brief (The Big Kahuna) after the peer review last week. The problem raised: I wouldn't know where to stop designing if I decide to interpret an existing story in the style of a feature animation because its such a massive task - it can literally go on forever. So I decided to give it some thought, because I do still want to do a brief where I put my vis dev skills to practice - and came up with a alternative idea (which I'd like to check with Fred first if its a good idea):

Brief: Collaborate with animation student(s) and take on the role of a Visual Development artist for their animation project.

Rationale: To improve my ability to paint/draw designs that strongly emphasise storytelling and personality in environment and characters. To gain more experience and develop a portfolio that will be relevant for what I want to be doing, career-wise, in a few years time (Vis Dev)

Plan: Firstly, I've made a poster to see if any animators would like to collaborate, which can be found here. I will also talk to Mike to see if he could send/email out the poster to animation students - so its more instant, because the earlier this is sorted the better so we can start planning something out!

Deadline: Module Submission Deadline 19 / 5 / 2016,
or the deadline that the animators have set,
or deadline of competition (if we decide to enter it into a competition like the INDIs 2016)

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